---1728 Rotating Flying Cubes---.
This JavaScript code uses the Three.js library to create a 3D scene with cubes. It initializes a scene, camera, and renderer, setting up a basic 3D environment. The code then generates an array of cubes with random colors, positions, and rotations. These cubes move within the scene, bouncing off walls, rotating, and changing colors dynamically. The rotation and color changes are influenced by random probabilities, adding a level of unpredictability to the animation. The animation loop continuously updates the cube positions, checks for collisions, applies rotations, and renders the scene, creating a visually dynamic and interactive 3D experience. The code also includes an event listener to handle window resizing for maintaining the aspect ratio.
Warning: Epilepsy Trigger ---Random Pixel Screen---.
This is an HTML file that creates a canvas element and uses JavaScript to generate an animated background with random pixel colors. The file includes a style section that sets some CSS properties for the canvas and body elements. The JavaScript code begins by getting a reference to the canvas element using the document.getElementById() method, setting its width and height to the size of the window, and getting its 2D rendering context using the getContext() method. The code then defines a recursive function called generatePixels() that generates a new set of random pixel colors and sets them as the background color of the canvas on each animation frame using the fillRect() method. The function calls itself recursively using the requestAnimationFrame() method to create a continuous animation loop. Finally, the code adds an event listener for the 'resize' event that updates the canvas size dynamically based on the size of the window to ensure that the canvas always fills the available space.
---Random Unicode Character String Generator---.
A simple web page where users can configure and start generating a string of random Unicode Standard characters at a specified interval. The generated strings are displayed on the page, and users can stop the generation, clear the output, and copy the generated text to the clipboard. The character count of the generated strings is also displayed.
---Transparent Cubes with Space Diagonals---.